I went to a District Leader meeting, English course, district meeting, played soccer on Saturday, my companion hurt his foot, ate Chinese, had a ton of people in church (80), I translated a little bit for church!
We met our Persian guy, Nader. "We" (google translate) taught him the Word of Wisdom. He said that it will be hard because he has been smoking for 20 years. He said he will try so he can get baptized! He is so awesome!
This is a typical conversation with him on the phone:
Nader: "Weston, How are you?"
Me: "Good, how are you?"
Nader: "Good thanks."
Me: "what have you done today?"
Nader: "Good thanks."
Me: "Good..."
Nader: "Weston, we meet at the church today?"
Me: "Yeah at 4"
Nader: "yes at 4"
Me: "awesome"
Nader: "Thank you, good bye."
Me: "Thank, see you there."
Nader: "Thanks bye"
Nader=BFF (best friend forever)
Met a lawyer named Alex, he is awesome, his hair is great, he came to church, and he has a baptismal date. He is a big time lawyer. He reminds me of Jeff Winger from Community (just because he is a lawyer, no other reason)
My friend Joe came back to my ward for one last time before he leaves to Italy again! Had a lesson that was super spiritual! He is a great guy!
This American guy named Trevor from Organ came to church, he loves The Bible.
Spiritual Thought:
Corinthians 6:19-20: "know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s."
I saw this sign and I thought "Wow! I didn't know that the church puts up advertisements in Albania."
Our bodies are so sacred to our Father in Heaven and he asks that we take care of them. They were bought with a price, the price that Jesus Christ has to pay.
I am so grateful for My Savior Jesus Christ who payed the price for my amazing life!
Elder Michael Ueston