Monday, April 18, 2016

Albanians nod "no" for "yes."

Oh Albanians!
Albanians nod "no" for "yes." It's sometimes very confusing, but what is more confusing is when they try to be Americans and nod "yes" for "yes." I never know what people mean anymore! I just assume people mean yes if they move their head! Sometimes people will nod yes and say "ya." don't worry that means no. (sometimes) ;) This place is awesome though! No tax on food! ha! #GOAL$

This week was awesome and humbling! We had a lot of lessons and a lot of street contacting with people. I really felt charity for these people. :) I feel the spirit guiding us a lot.

Last week I was talking about those 4 friends that we taught and 2 of them told us they would be baptized. We are trying to meet with them as much as we can. It's really hard to meet with them though. Everything will work out! :)

Spiritual thought:
Divine Truth. There is only one way for people to know what is "true" in life. One way to know if Christ really is our Savior. Only through the Holy Ghost can people know this truth. I know that this Church is true because the Holy Ghost manifested the truth to me. And I know Christ is our Savior! 

I love you all! Thanks for all the emails! :)

Love Elder Michael Uestën